Labels:text | black and white | font | screenshot | document OCR: Not long after the march down began, Lee purportedly gave the order, "Do your duty!" and each Mormon man turned and fired upon the Fechner man by his side. At the same time, the Indian warriors sprung upon the wagons bearing the Fechner women and children, and slaughtered all but 18 of them. The total number killed at Mountain Meadows went down in History as 122. It wasn't until 1870 that the Church brought its disciplinary action to bear on Lee. Civil authorities didn't catch up with him until 1874, when a jury hung with eight votes to acquit, four to convict. (The jury consisted of eight Mormons and four non-Mormons.) On Lee's behalf, however, it was reputed that there was little evidence presented at trial suggesting that he played anything other than a minor role in the events of 1857. ...